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When stereotypes become harmful

Updated: Sep 12, 2021


I have always hated stereotypes whether they seem "good" or not. Here's my list of stereotypes that have caused a vast amount of hate, death, and ignorance to spread.

Black people and gorillas

Some people think it's funny when black people are compared to gorillas but do they know that Black kids, Filipino, and Aboriginals were actually put into Human zoos where they faced terrible living conditions, were killed and humiliated.

The New York Zoological Park (now the Bronx Zoo) once held Ota Benga hostage. The last human zoo closed in Belgium in 1958 after billions saw them.

Black people and watermelon

Jim crow did everything in it's power to make black people the butt of the joke. When black slaves became free a lot of them bought watermelons to celebrate. This celebration turned into an imagery trying to portray black people as ignorant and mindless.

Black people are stronger

Everyone of every race and every human being can't be strong all the time. A certain race and gender does not mean you're stronger. Black women and men are more at risk of dying because some prejudice medical worker didn't take us seriously and thought that we were stronger or not as important because of our skin color and or race.

Ever notice that a lot of athletes/body builders tan their skin while dark skin athletes are discriminated against?

People of color/ countries with a majority of people of color are poor

How come so often you see people go over to foreign countries and only show the poorer side? Is it because the person wants to help the people there or is it some sick plot to show off and act like they are helping them? A lot of debate about people especially celebrities or directors filming only the "dark side".

black/ dark skin people are more masculine/ violent

colorism, slavery and racism

"dark skin is stronger" dates back to slavery when dark skin people worked outside and light skin inside or free because they disguised themselves as white people.

Colorism and racism is everywhere not just America. So many movies, music videos, and books display black people as violent, drug users, loud, rude, or solo parents. When people who never met black people absorb these stuff up, they often think this is how all black people are. Judging a whole race only on media, how celebrities act, and stereotypes is just dumb.

muscular people and femininity/ pale skin is more pure/ feminine

Muscular people can be girly, I said what I said. Femininity has nothing to do with body type, race, or skin color.

"savages" "red people"

The terms that white people branded Natives that fought for their land, culture, and people. The people who had "Christianity" forced upon them, disease, culture erasure, the people who were enslaved, robbed, and killed by foreigners being called violent. Native Americans have all colors of skin and calling them red or sav*ges will never be funny.

Black people are thugs/ death

George stinny, Trayvon Martin, Emmett Till, Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, Botham Jean --- do you know them?

A lot of the time when someone black passes away people make a joke out of it, diminish it, belittle the victim.

"He did drugs, he was wearing a hoodie, he had bad grades so he was bad, where's blm?, he was killed by another black person so no one cares, he was scary looking" actual comments I witnessed.

The lack of respect or humanity people have for black people always shows when something happens to us. When a rapper or singer is black and has mental health issues, people laugh and make memes. When some people see an altercation that involves black people they tend to comment and showcase their racism for all to see. "Of course they're black." Grouping us all together does nothing because black people aren't all the same whether it's looks, lifestyle, personal choices, likes and dislikes, the way we talk, our voice/accent, personality and appearance and no one has the right to tell me differently. Back in the day white women falsely accused black men and boys of rape and the such--Emmett Till was one of those victims.

Why is it that other races are allowed to be scared of black people but we can't be scared of them? So many fear for the lives of their families yet their cries are crushed by the sound of the karens who cried black people.

Black/ Latina/ Native/ Foreign girls are exotic

No comment aside from the fact that so many women of color go missing, get abused, get kidnapped and die each year because of the way people fetish, disrespect, use, abuse, and ignore us.

Black and Latina girls are loud/ have attitudes/ ratchet

I'm honestly so sick of this. "You're quiet for a black girl" is not a compliment, nothing close to it. Someone being upset over being wronged or someone being different than you and your peers or someone have mental issues isn't something to make light of. A lot of Black and Latina women feel like no one hears them or cares when they're wronged. When we show the same emotion as another we "have an attitude" or when a Black or Latina girl behaves a certain way, they're labeled crazy or ghetto. When they don't have the same background or lifestyle or education as others, they're often made fun of and it sickens me.

Asian people are angels/ thin/ pale/ delicate and hypersexualization of Asian teens

Muscular, dark skin, and big boned Asian people are a thing. Stop clumping all of your knowledge of one or two cultures over the whole country. A lot of colorism in Bollywood, kpop, and other Asian cultures makes a lot of media only show what they want to show you, same in every other countries. Dark skin Asians are just as Asian as everyone else no matter what anyone else. Dark skin is not a taboo.

The quiet/ bullied person will be the next school shooter

As a quiet and shy black girl I've had my fair share of stares, judgement and insults thrown at me to know that quietness intimidates people. I didn't have to say a peep to have people already judging my whole existence. "Are you depressed?" "I thought you were stuck up." "You're hiding something."

I've seen first hand in real life and on video a quiet kid being bullied and the bullies even saying that the kid would end up being a school shooter.

Jezebel/ whores and the sexualization of black women and kids

Let's face it, in this day and age sexualization and misogyny are at an all time rise. Women and even teen girls whose bodies and sexual orientation and sexual history the tool others use to judge, hurt, and abuse them.

When I see paegants, especially kid paegants or auctions with people being "sold for a date" or whatever all I can think of how slaves and slaves kids were judged before being sold off and hurt. a young black girl could be raped by white slave owners and dismissed as "she's my property it's okay" or "she wanted it" or "she's promiscuous/ immoral so it doesn't matter". The same ish that happens today. Black women were raped and forced to have sexual relations with slave masters and their sons while black men/boys were labeled as rapists often.

check this out!

Teen/preteen girls and being fast

A lot of the time when a woman does the same thing a man does often she gets criticized far more. Having for example. In the case of being "fast" though a lot of girls are labeled this just for having a naturally bigger body. For so long women have had to deal with less rights, more judgement, more limits and even after getting our rights we still have to deal with crap like this. Virginity and slut shaming is something that usually only matters on women because of some people's will to control others. Why else would a board meeting about abortion only include men or why else do Olympian women athletes and school students get punished for not showing skin or not showing skin.


All people that wear hijabs are terrorists

We all know about what happened in September 2001. After it, or shoot, maybe even before it too, a lot of Muslims that wore hijabs or even just looked a certain way were killed and abused. The Muslim ban brought out even more xenophobia.

America is the land of the free, a place where dreams come true

A lot of my pen pals believe this one because sometimes we see the grass as greener when the grass is fake. Yes, America has opportunities that a lot of places don't, but that does not mean this place is always better. A lot of people of color come to live here only to be told to "go back to where you came from." Why, you ask? Xenophobia and racism under the guise of "patriotism" or what I like to call the cry of "If you're not white or rich you don't belong here and you're ruining our image." Every country has racism and hatred, terrorism, xenophobia and misogyny, it's something we can never escape. But something we can escape is a place of ignorance for immigrants. If the people that discredit and steal everything people of color did for this country say they built this "great" country then what's so bad about more people coming to create an opportunity for their families that they couldn't back home? To start fresh and lay down a line of achievements for their loved ones to admire.

Red heads are evil/ soulless/ unattractive/ pale

This one is as stupid as it is dangerous. We all know about Hitler and blond hair/ blue eyes, why start a debate about something we are born with, it just screams prejudice.

Disabled people ___

All disabled people are different. Judging them all as one category is ableist.

--- race/ skin color is --- in regards to dating

I only date ___ because___

preference vs prejudice. All __aren't/don't __

date who you want but stop putting stereotypes over whole skin colors or races. no one is less (race) because they don't fit the "Ideal" or stereotypes

All Korean guys aren't romantic like your favorite actor lol.

Mixed people are ___ in regards to appearance

All mixed people are unique and don't have to fit your definition of "pretty" or "ugly" for you to respect them. No race is prettier than the other and mixed race isn't prettier or uglier than no one.

You talk/ act white

aave African American Vernacular English and "Society logic"

If you don't use it or slang, apparently you talk white

If you use it and you're black, apparently you're ghetto or a teen

If you use and it and you're not black, you're just using internet language

If you straighten or relax your hair it looks better than natural hair but oh- you wanna be white

You like anime and rock music? Why don't you like hip hop, you're black

You're not loud? You're not black enough for me, but the people that are loud and black scare me so I avoid them

You don't speak Spanish? Are you really Latino?

Your/their skin is too pale/light for you to be ___you're/they're white

You wear makeup to make your nose smaller? why do you hate yourself and your features?

Natural hair is unprofessional but so are wigs on black women

Your natural eyes are monolids or blue? You can't be black even though monolids are African features too

Black fathers aren't there for their kids

Idgaf how many movie you watched or how many black families you know. You have no right to assume that every black father on this Earth is the same.

Black/Asian/ Hispanic mothers are harsh/ too strict/ abusive while white parents are permissive

Out in the world, dark skin people are being shamed and pressured into skin bleaching, black people are forced to relax or cover up their natural hair, latino/a people are forced to work for, with, and over people that call their hard work "stealing our jobs" and Indigenous people are fighting for their rights to the truth and and land and rights while billionaires and millionaires and big corporations roam around.

Remember, all skin colors and races are beautiful, dark skin is beautiful and not a token of negativity or shame. Check out Jane Elliot if you get the chance!

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