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Ultimate guide to a cleaner living space

Updated: Oct 25, 2020

Word of the day: Superfluous (Adj)- Unneeded, surplus

Before I start, I want to talk about stress. Cleaning can be very stressful or can help take away your stress depending on who you are and how you're feeling. I just want you to know that in the end, everything will be worth it. The process will most likely not be done in one go.

Take a deep breath, put on some of your favorite music, and light a candle (place it in a safe place and keep watch of it) and gather your cleaning supplies. Go to the category you want to clean and choose what works for you.

Objects trigger memories but the more you own, the more you need to take care of. When you discover the objects that matter most and add the most value to your life, you'll feel better getting rid of objects that just take up space.

Sleeping area:

If you can, take off your shoes when you come into the living quarters or at least only wear house shoes in the bedroom if others in the house don't cooperate with that/ if it's easier

decide which objects are worth keeping and which just take up space and are a waste to keep maintaining

take a day to empty each drawer/closet and discard of/move/ recycle what doesn't belong in it


reorganize book shelf

clean bookshelf- take all objects off, clean the objects and clean each shelf

go through boxes/containers and make sure to label them

Check out Marie Kondo's organization tips!!

clean walls and ceiling/ ceiling fans/ baseboards

take out things that don't belong (e.g. dirty dishes, empty water bottles)

try to clear at least 40% of the things off the floor

clear and clean furniture

clean under and around the bed

put away objects you used that have their own place (clean them 1st if they need it)

clean windows and mirrors

gather rubber bands/scrunchies together

water plants

wash hair turbans/ sleeping caps

put away unused objects

use an air purifier, dehumidifier, moisture eliminator

Top of dresser/nightstand:

Wipe, dust, clean mirror

Decide which objects are used most by you and place them on top and put everything else away

Nightstand/dresser top/ drawer ideas -->

Bible, glasses, book that you're currently reading, water/drink, cup of pens/pencils/ scissors, journal, medicine, lip products, perfume, phone, flower, lamp, nail clipper


gather dirty clothes

put away:

clean clothes

Check out Marie Kondo's organization tips!!

hang up wet clothes

separate winter and summer clothes

gather clothes to throw away, recycle, and reuse as mop clothes,

clean and put away shoes

decide which clothes are worth keeping and which just take up space and are a waste to keep maintaining

try on old outfits and donate, transform (use for something else) ones that don't fit anymore

Throw away:

  • old skincare and makeup products

  • dirty food containers

  • shipping packages-- mark out important details (name, address)

  • old magazines

  • moldy and torn objects that have no purpose anymore and cannot be fixed

  • old mail-- mark out important details

  • gather old papers to shred, tear, cut them up

  • outdated food and medicine

Reuse/ transform/ multiple purpose:


change hand towel

change sheets every week

change pillow case every 3 days/week

pillow 4 times a year

clean car, wheelchair, cane

safely sanitize phone

clean devices

sweep, vacuum, mop

take out trash

take down and clean curtains, blinds every 4-6 months


clean fridge inside and out

clean microwave/devices

clean spills and crumbs

clean table tops/ counters, tables

find a day to empty cabinets and cupboards and clean them

do/let dry/put away dishes

throw out outdated foods

organize junk drawer

gather Tupperware and make sure all have tops

collect recycling

rice cooker

Living out of car/ driving a lot/camping/ rv:

shower at gym/ friends/family house

pocket camping shower

refillable water station

biodegradable soap

gym bag

bag- hygiene; bag-clothes; bag-food

duffel bag

extra blankets

first aid kit

sleeping bag

gallons of water



travel bottles


coffee maker

window cleaner

hiking backpack

dirty clothes bag

dryer sheets

vacuum car






Period Bag

designate certain panties for your periods wear comfy clothes that aren't too tight

(keep them together and marked or just make them look different than the rest)


wet wipes- unscented or scented

extra pads/ tampons

extra panties

pain meds-- tylenol, midol


hair ties

haand sanitizer

Storage/shed/ attic/ basement:

clean walls and ceiling/ ceiling fans/ baseboards-use old toothbrushes to scrub hard to reach areas

dust, mop, sweep, vacuum

go through boxes/containers and make sure to label them

clean stairs/ladder

Purse/Travel Bags:

hang/pack bags up and clean them

clean out your entire purse

designate different bags for different occasions-- sleepover bag, travel bag

plastic bags for food/bottles

wet wipes and tissue

Make a list of things to bring when you travel

lotion and sanitary products

rubber bands/hair ties/ponies/scrunchies

pain medicine- Tylenol, midol


pad,tampon, liners

deodorant, lotion, perfume

snacks, water

chap stick



mask, gloves, goggles

pen with cover


fingernail clippers




mini mirror



School Bags:

wet wipes, tissue, hand sanitizer, masks, gloves

cough drops, gum, brush/comb/hair ties, earbuds

take everything out, turn the bag upside down and shake it, sweep up the contents that come out and clean any stains


organize media-- movies, books, video games, consoles

Bookshelf- I like to organize my books by tallest to shortest and books in a series are beside each other and in order.

Video games- I organize by color and game series/ genre

Paperwork/ device files

organize by categories ex: manuals, to do, to buy

Color code ideas:

white binder for medical papers

black binder for auto papers

keep important documents in a safe (fire/waterproof)

junk drawer--take everything out clean the drawer, tapes together, scissors together, pens and other writing stationary objects together, small tools

plastic bags- if you have an old disinfectant wipe container, ball up and stick your plastic bags in here!

bathroom cabinet/ mirror cabinet/ under-sink cabinet/ drawer

Separate and organize medicines- cold and flu, allergy, sore throat, ear and eye drops, etc and group them all together/ beside each other

Hair products- I like to keep creams together, gels together, etc

combs, brushes, toothbrushes for hair together in drawer, rubber bands on a Carabiner Clip, keep flat irons in a file cabinet/ storage cart/ drawer or a plastic storage container or even an old cereal box

I recommend:

Nesting bins

Nesting bin

Designating areas-- maybe you always put your broom on the side of the fridge, designate this as the broom and mop area, designate areas for objects that you use daily or often like your keys, shoes, jacket, backpack

And keep up the good work babes! I hope this helped you a lot and remember take things slow and work at your own pace.


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