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My 4b/ 4c hair journey

All hair is good hair

I wanted to give up on my hair

Texture discrimination pushed me into flat ironing my hair often and perming it.

When I wore my natural hair peers called it messy and in need of treatment. I used toxic products to make curls more defined to impress others.

When I came to school with straightened hair, I was praised and told to do it more.

I destroyed my hair to fit in with outdated beauty standards.





It took me a while to know that society's opinions on anyone's appearance is useless. Their opinions don't help me in any way so I refuse to allow it to affect my decisions on my hair.

It took me so long to love my hair and now there's no going back

So whether you're rocking wigs, weave, undefined natural hair, a perm, or bald, don't let anyone tell you what to do with your hair boo!

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