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How to organize paperwork

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

I'm someone who sleeps with a notebook near me, carries a notebook everytime I go somewhere, and who has hundreds of notebooks. My paperwork is always in need of organization. You may say, why not just copy it or write it on the computer instead? Believe me, I do now but I also enjoy writing psychically. But how did I keep track of the paperwork? Here's the breakdown:

Study Notebooks

Pink: Korean Red/clear: Spanish

I color code whenever I use pens in my study notebook. For example green for verbs and red for nouns when I'm color coding parts of speech.

Old Korean notes

Written books

I keep my old hand written books together separated by folders and binder clips.

Characters/ Character info-- Yellow notebook

Although my character information is everywhere, I do like to keep other categories separated. I like to separate the information of backgrounds, cities, families, etc. I use blue folders when drawing blueprints.

Dream notebook/ Scene ideas-- Composition notebook with cloud design

I cut some cloth and stuck it to a composition notebook but unfortunately I dislocated the book so I just write in the closest notebook near my bed.

Medical Work

When I think of medical documents, I think of white, so I use just that.

To do/ planners

Special thanks to my lovely cousin for designing and presenting me with my planner. My planner sections includes to-do lists, meal planner, house cleaning, and budget.


Big thanks to my older sister for giving me my journal!


Math- I like to categorize my math into red folders and binders and a folder that has math formulas as decoration.



History- I prefer using blue when associating folders or binders with history.

Science- Green is my go to for science papers after green was our designated color in school.

I would like to thank my mom for helping me to dispose of at least 5 garbage bags full of paper and other objects that needed a final goodbye. Getting rid of unneeded objects always leave a feeling of relief in my heart.

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