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Harmful stereotypes pt 2

Updated: Sep 13, 2021

Periods are impure/taboo-- period discrimination and misogyny

In some countries when women have their periods they can't cook, attend religious ceremonies, or even keep the clothes they had on (have to bury it).

Some people are embarrassed to even say the word or buy products for it

Periods are considered so many things like evil, taboo, embarrassing, dirty but never natural. women get shamed and told that they're on their period when they react to things a certain way or are in a certain mood.

even period commercials or commercials with the word vagina are not as common as birth control commercials.

Menstruation or period stigma is the discrimination women face when they menstruate. Every vagina isn't the same and every period isn't the same. Also, vagina and period are not and never will be dirty words. People who don't get periods have no right to tell us when they think we have it or how they think it is.

Kids/ race and stress/ depression

Kids can be stressed just like adults and any race can have anxiety/ depression/dyslexia/ and other mental health issues.

Non English Speakers/ Esl (English as a second language) learners

Esl learners and non English speakers face so much disgusting discrimination about their accents, knowledge of English and "American culture". America has a variety of beautiful accents, languages, and cultures that should never have to fit a certain image to be respected. People being teased about their accent or the slang they use will always be irritating.

Immigrants and privilege

Lots of people are worried about the benefits immigrants get and not about the multimillionaire companies polluting the air we breathe and the water we could've or some do drank, destroying neighborhoods to provide entertainment for the rich, and spitting people into positions that can barely cover their bills. Instead of worrying about people coming here worry about the companies that hurt everyone here.

Immigrants and esl learners, people of color, even Native people go through so much from xenophobia, racism, racial profiling, and detention centers.

Bad kids at school/ "weirdos"

Mental disorders, problems at home, disabilities, diseases, poverty, and so many other factors make some students behave or look differently then the rest of us.

All white people are racist/ black people can't be prejudice

No race is greater than any other although there are people that think this. The fight against racism is racist vs non racist/ people that are learning about race, not race vs race. No race is a monolith and no race should be negatively stereotyped because of things that happen. And yes, black people can be prejudice as can all other races.

Americans and American Culture

I said it once and I will say it again: America has a variety of beautiful accents, languages, and cultures that should never have to fit a certain image to be respected. The hundreds of Native/ Native American cultures are very diverse as is African American culture and the bunches of others.

Church is for everyone religious/ you must go to church

A lot of churches hold secrets whether it's sexual assault, lies, thievery, idolization within the church, judgmental or hypocritical people, cults. Church is for whoever wants to go. No one should have a religion forced upon them or have to be with others when they are religious.

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